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1. Purpose

The purpose of HSE audits is to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of health, safety, and environmental management systems, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and internal policies, identifying areas for improvement, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement in HSE performance.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all departments and operations at LOCATION X RENT A CAR and covers all aspects of health, safety, and environmental performance.

3. Types of HSE Audits

3.1 Internal Audits

  • Conducted by internal HSE personnel or designated audit teams.
  • Focus on compliance with internal policies, procedures, and standards.

3.2 External Audits

  • Conducted by external, independent auditors or regulatory bodies.
  • Focus on compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and industry standards.

3.3 Specialized Audits

  • Conducted for specific areas such as fire safety, hazardous materials management, or environmental impact assessments.
  • Focus on compliance with specialized standards and regulations.

4. HSE Audit Process

4.1 Planning

  • Audit Schedule: Develop an annual audit schedule, detailing the timing and scope of each audit.
  • Audit Team: Assign competent auditors with relevant knowledge and experience.
  • Audit Scope: Define the scope, objectives, and criteria for each audit.

4.2 Preparation

  • Document Review: Review relevant documents, including policies, procedures, previous audit reports, and incident records.
  • Audit Plan: Prepare a detailed audit plan, including audit checklists and specific areas of focus.

4.3 Execution

  • Opening Meeting: Conduct an opening meeting with relevant stakeholders to explain the audit objectives, scope, and process.
  • Data Collection: Gather data through interviews, observations, document reviews, and inspections.
  • Assessment: Assess compliance with HSE policies, procedures, and legal requirements.
  • Findings: Identify non-conformances, areas for improvement, and best practices.

4.4 Reporting

  • Audit Report: Prepare a comprehensive audit report detailing findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
  • Feedback: Provide feedback to the audited department and discuss findings and recommendations.
  • Action Plan: Develop an action plan to address identified non-conformances and areas for improvement.

4.5 Follow-Up

  • Implementation: Ensure the implementation of corrective actions and improvements.
  • Verification: Conduct follow-up audits or reviews to verify the effectiveness of corrective actions.
  • Continuous Improvement: Use audit findings to drive continuous improvement in HSE performance.

5. Responsibilities

5.1 Management

  • Ensure the HSE audit program is implemented and supported.
  • Allocate resources for conducting HSE audits.
  • Review audit reports and ensure corrective actions are implemented.

5.2 HSE Auditors

  • Conduct audits impartially and objectively.
  • Prepare and present clear and concise audit reports.
  • Follow up on corrective actions to ensure their effectiveness.

5.3 Employees and Contractors

  • Cooperate with auditors and provide requested information.
  • Implement corrective actions as required.
  • Participate in continuous improvement initiatives.

6. Training

All employees involved in the HSE audit process must receive appropriate training, including:

  • Understanding the audit process and objectives.
  • Conducting effective audits.
  • Identifying and assessing HSE risks and controls.
  • Reporting and implementing corrective actions.

7. Monitoring and Compliance

  • Audit Schedule Compliance: Regularly monitor compliance with the audit schedule.
  • Non-Conformance Tracking: Track non-conformances and ensure timely corrective actions.
  • Performance Metrics: Use audit findings to measure HSE performance and identify trends.

8. Review

This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.


SIGNED: Alkendi A.S.Y. Alhammadi


DATE: 01/01/2024

Effective Date: 01/01/2024

Document Control:

Version: 1.0 Review Date: 01/01/2024

This HSE audit policy document aims to ensure systematic evaluation and continuous improvement of health, safety, and environmental management systems at LOCATION X RENT A CAR.

Routine HSE Audits will be carried out using checklists following safety audit schedule. At minimum, biannually will be carried out. Such inspections are carried out under the responsibility of the Managing Director who may delegate parts of the Audit. These will be revised periodically as necessary under the direction of the Managing in cooperation with the HSE Manager.




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