Location X Rent a Car recognizes the threat of injury to health and impairment of work performance due to the use of illicit drugs and alcohol and aims to eliminate the risk to health, safety, and the environment. All employees are required to comply with this policy and its implementation.
Policy Statement
The following are strictly prohibited:
- The use, possession, distribution or sale of alcohol and all illegal and controlled substances at Company work locations or during Company business hours
- For an employee to be under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol while at
- Driving Company-owned or contracted vehicles under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other such
Policy Implementation
In implementing this policy, the following guidelines shall apply:
- Alcohol or drug dependence is Employees with known dependence who seek medical /Company advice and assistance shall not be penalized, although alternative work may be considered.
- Deliberate failure or refusal to give immediate consent or submit to a test specified by the Company policy shall be considered a violation of the policy and regarded as gross.
- Education and training – The company shall implement an education and training program designed to create awareness of the dangers and consequences of alcohol and drug abuse. This shall be a preventative approach.
- Treatment and Rehabilitation – this shall be handled similarly as other illnesses, and normal company policy on sickness benefits shall
Consequence Management
- Any personnel (employee or contractor) who tests positive for alcohol or drugs while driving shall be liable to the consequences of gross
- Other Circumstances regarded as gross misconduct also include the following:
- The possession, use, distribution, and sale of all illegal and controlled substances in the
- Failure to comply with appropriate rehabilitation measures
- Conviction for violating any Federal or State criminal drug statute, Decree or Edict, or any foreign Government’s drug
Location X Rent A Car is conscious that the use of alcohol and drugs in the workplace and while driving affects the normal health of the workers to carry out their tasks safely for themselves and others. That is why it is prohibited to consume or possess alcoholic beverages and drugs during the workday or while working /driving. Carry out tests of alcohol tests for the people found involved in a serious accident within our jurisdiction.
- The Supervisor will control the behavior of his workers regarding alcohol consumption, drug searches, and other drug-related behaviors. For this purpose, he will utilize instruments like the ALCOTEST.
- In case it has been proved that the worker has consumed alcohol or drugs, the coordination for respective analyses will be done.
- The worker who consumes drugs by medical prescription will report this to the Human Resources Administrator.
- All the workers within our projections, without exception, will comply with their responsibilities that are indicated in our politics on the use of alcohol and drugs.
- Personal will be sanctioned; any be its hierarchy, it infringes these norms in the agreement of the present document and legal devices in force.
SIGNED: Alkendi A.S.Y. Alhammadi
DATE: 01/01/2024
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